Our curriculum
Smart Start Kindergarten will follow the American curriculum for children in Pre-K, KG1 and KG2
The curriculum at Smart Start is aligned with the Colorado State Academic Standards. The standards and grade level expectations are designed to ensure that all young people are prepared for life-long learning with a variety of skills and knowledge. Colorado’s Early Learning and Development Guidelines will form the foundation of the entire curriculum and are in-place to ensure that each individual child has sufficient access to all areas of the curriculum. Within the early years, the American curriculum focuses on active, experiential learning; a holistic approach to learning; smooth transitions; and gives opportunities for lessons to be designed to give students opportunities to learn through play. At Smart Start, we will ensure that the core components of the Colorado Academic Standards and Colorado’s Early Learning and Development Guidelines reflect our curriculum planning and extended provision, whilst implementing a holistic approach to learning that maximizes the learning environment through experiential learning and learning through play.
Learning at Smart Start is not confined to the classrooms. Field trips and excursions will be organized each term to extend children’s knowledge and understanding of selected themes and topics that they are learning about. We inspire our children to learn through fun. . In addition, to enhance interest and global awareness, guest speakers such as authors, community workers and road safety officers will come and present to the students regularly throughout the school year. At Smart Start, we believe that experiential learning aids the children’s development both intellectually and emotionally. To support your child’s personal, social and gross motor skill development, Smart Start has a partnership with Gulf Star Sport. Their qualified and very experienced coaches will come and deliver high quality PE lessons twice a week for all our students. They will also offer various after school activity options. Encouraging our students to stay healthy and be active is paramount.